The Big Break

Kim Welch Cashes in on Futures Tour

Congratulations to Kim Welch as she just won The Alliance Bank Golf Classic (Syracuse, NY) with rounds of 70-64-70. I guess the pressure from hiding her Big Break secret was gone and she cleaned up in Syracuse. Nice job, Kim!

If Greg Norman can’t win the British Open on my birthday then I’ll gladly take a victory by Kim.

First prize cashola was a cool twelve grand (oops, check that, I was six hundies short). Hope she hired an accountant. I’m dying to know if she kept or sold the Beemer.

If you were looking for another hint as to who won the Big Break Ka’anapali, it was right there in front of all of us. I should’ve just looked to see who was playing the most Futures Tour events. Entry fees were covered by The Golf Channel to the Big Break Champ. Duhh!

How are the other Big Breakers doing on the Futures Tour – check ’em out –

Lori Atsedes
Courtney Erdman
Christina Lecuyer
Susan Choi
Samantha Head
Tina Miller
Elizabeth Stuart

The Big Break

Kim Welch wins Big Break Kaanapali

Kim Welch wins The Big Break Ka’anapali over Sophie Sandolo, 4 and 3. It seemed a bit anti-climactic after all that’s gone on, but congratulations to Kim. Me – ow! I had a hunch that she was going to win it all. Kim did the least to promote herself on the internet of almost all the competitors.

After reflecting upon the latest season of The Big Break, it seems that the drama has become much more important than the golf. After all, we are watching (for the most part) of bunch of players that we have never heard of and probably would never follow anyways (how many Futures Tour events are televised). For that matter, The Big Break really isn’t about golf. We had to wait until the last show to get a full fifteen holes of golf and, frankly, it was boring. I was genuinely surprised to see The Golf Channel get in fifteen holes of golf in an hour with all the commercials that they cram into The Big Break. The Golf Channel cheated to get in 15 holes of golf as they often blew through a summary of a hole or so that we weren’t able to see.

Looking back at the season I found the following surprising:

The Big Break

Vote for your Big Break Kaanapali winner

