The Big Break

Adrienne and Liz leave The Big Break Ka’anapali

The latest episode of The Big Break Ka’anapali started out with the flop wall. Contestants could choose from six positions to hit over the flop wall and into a circle on a green behind the wall. The three contestants with the most points would be safe from elimination. This week, two women would be eliminated.

Some competitors cleared the flop wall from the fourth position. Kim, Tina, and Courtney cleared the flop wall from the fifth position and landed in the circle on the green.

Dana was the only one to try from the sixth position and landed it in the circle on the green. She was safe from elimination.

Kim, Tina and Courtney came back to fight it out for the last two spots safe from the elimination round. All three hit it over and inside the circle on the second go round. On the third try, only Tina succeeded. Courtney and Kim came back for a fourth round and only Kim made it through. Liz, Christina, Sophie, Adrienne, Samantha, Susan, Lori, and Courtney went into the next challenge. This challenge was “pick your opponent’s shot.” The contestants were paired up in head to head match ups. They could choose their opponent’s shot from any one of four locations. The toughest location appeared to be a slightly downhill, greenside bunker shot.

Sophie screwed herself by being the only player to not pick the bunker for her opponent. Sophie chose a behind the tree shot for Christina. Christina chose the bunker for Sophie. Sophie tanked in the bunker and went on to the elimination round. Susan went up against Samantha in the bunker. Susan proved to be the best from the bunker, scoring 8 points. Samantha joined Sophie in the elimination round.

Liz, who had already chunked her flop wall shot and didn’t clear the wall, chunked her bunker shot and went to the elimination round. Adrienne also tanked her first bunker shot and entered the elimination round.

The elimination round consisted of one hole of golf on a par 5. Liz squared off against Sophie and Adrienne took on Samantha. Liz outplayed Sophie on three out of four shots but Sophie canned a long putt for birdie and Liz couldn’t match it.

Adrienne blew it off the tee as she hit it in the rough and had a downhill, sidehill lie. Both players had a 100 yard shot to the green. Samantha was just inside of Adrienne. Adrienne crushed her first putt several feet by the hole. Samantha cozied hers up to a couple feet. Adrienne proceed to three jack her way off the show.